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Advisory on Heat Waves

Reference: Pakistan Meteorological Department, Government of Pakistan

With reference quoted above, the Meteorological Department, Heat Wave Early Warning System, Government of Pakista has issued Heat Wave Alert-1: "Met Office informed that a heat wave is likely to grip the Karachi city during 1-3 May, 2019. Day maximum temperature would range on 40-42 C during hte period. Wind flows will be from North / Nortwest during day times. The Authorities and all stakeholders are requested to take precautionary measures and keep them abreast for update from Met Office".

Keeping in view of above, you are requested to implement / ensure following preventive measures and take precautionary measures to address any emergency:

1. Availability of electricity at all time, standby generator and extra fans

2. Availability of cold drinking water

3. Precautionary availability water bath in case of heat stroke emergency

4. Availability of ORS

5. Avoid any outdoor activity, ensure that students stay indoors till home time

6. Pick up student from class at home time

7. In case of emergency, backup plan must be ready to shift heat stroke patient to nearest health facility

8. Teachers must be educated to provide awareness to the student regarding prevention from heat stroke as well as first aids measures


(Issued by)

Director General

Health Services Sindh


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